Friday, February 29, 2008

Optimus Prime

If you haven't seen the original it can be found here.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Apparently all the profits from selling Red Bull were put to educational use.

For the Minimalists in the Audience

Ever wonder what the Garfield comic strip would be like if it didn't have Garfield in it? Wonder no more:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's Bennigans!

Guess what tomorrow night is: half-priced burger night at Bennigans!

Mmm... I can taste those bland, chain hamburgers already! Actually, I can't. Although most of the Pocomoke crew has taken to a Bennigan's feast every Wednesday, I have class and am unable to join them.

But stop on by your local Bennigans and bring the kids, I think you'll find some friendly Pocomoke faces. "It's Bennigans!"

Monday, February 25, 2008

System Sound Music

So a few weeks ago someone (possibly Japanese) decided to get creative with the system sounds that come with windows and make a song. Personally I think the results are pretty good:

Now, this being a supremely creative endeavor the mac camp of course can't let it go unanswered, since we all know that really creative people all use macs. This is what they came up with:

Seriously? Is that the best you can do? Although I find it fitting that the mac one looked better with its rounded buttons despite its lack of musical substance.

Kimmel (NSFW)

The feud continues with hilarious results. I find it impressive they were able to get this many celebrities.

If you missed the Matt Damon one it's here

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fix Social Security

Want to retire someday? Too bad, you won't be able to... unless we fix Social Security. The Democrats and some Republicans don't want to do it, so that means it's up to you!

Try your hand a saving Social Security by playing this game:


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Editorial Cartoon of the Year

Courtesy of the Onion, by far the best mock editorial cartoon of the year... or maybe ever. Take note of Lady Liberty crying in the window and the odd commentary of the cartoonist in the bottom right. It really captures the absurdity and inanity of most Tom Toles cartoons in the Washington Post.

Stephen Covey's Habit of the Week

Habit #20: As a business owner, you should secretly review your employees' health care records periodically; then fire the chronically ill to cut health expenses and build a stronger workforce.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Voting And You

Coach K

In honor of Bob Knight's retirement here's a video of his greatest quotes, compiled by someone else:

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


In honor of Super Tuesday here's a dated political strategy game. Think of it as battle chess with a political theme.