Thursday, May 8, 2008

Big Cat's Big Playlist

... and here's your winning playlist - at least it should be. Remember, this is the playlist you would be most embarrassed to play while walking around a crowded area with a boombox on your shoulder. Let's begin:

1. "Who Let The Dogs Out?" by the Baha Men

Our playlist kicks off with one of the most obnoxious song in recent memory. Remember the summer of 2000? Chances are this song was your soundtrack for the summer. It gets grating with each subsequent listen, until you're just numb to it.

2. "What a Girl Wants" by Christina "Xtina" Aguilera

Another classic from the summer of 2000. This pop ballad was Xtina's bold second single, proving that she wasn't just a one hit wonder. As much as we might have wished she was.

3. "Believe" by Cher

I really can't summarize this better than the Ol' Bear. So I echo his remarks and commend him on his equally good (or bad?) taste.

4. "Time After Time" by Cindy Lauper

This classic 1985 Grammy Award winning song by Lauper is now only allowed to be played in jest or by emo bands as an ironic cover. It's also terribly catchy. And lame.

5. "So Far Away" by Carol King

This is our closing ballad. Carol King poignantly asks, "Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?" Not when this song is on, they don't. Nonetheless, this is our house dedication to the Ol' Bear during his long "hibernations" away.


Unknown said...

Hey now, I like Carol King AND that song. I wouldn't be embarassed to play that in my car with windows down, but I would be embarassed to play ANY song from a boom box while walking in a public area. Ipod anyone?

Unknown said...

Firstly, let me say that I resent that the polls have been closed before I could cast my ballot, thusly skewing the voting demographic. A recount, I say!

Overall, I would say that Bex aka Big Knuckles wins by having the most excruciating combination of songs. And while many of the contestants limited their selection to songs that are at least ten years old (thus guaranteeing that they remind us all of the good ol' awkward days of adolescence), he went out on a limb by recommending the BEPs. Points are also rewarded for combining "acting power house" and "Billy Zane" in one sentence. And by wrapping up the mix with Snow, he reinforces the fact that white people have no business anywhere near rap.

I think James wins the "most FUNducational" award, for combining an embarrassing mix of songs with informative fact-based descriptions that set the cultural and socio-political environment. He analyzed the lyrics in conjunction with the cultural rituals of western society, as well as the socio-economic implications of being "waaaaay into Kid Rock". Who says that a degree from Cambridge is only good for working at Petco?

Old Bear wins the "Salesman/Late Night Infomercial" award, for spinning his mix in such a way that it actually might sell. By using terms such as "most-singalongable" and "feisty little trio", I'm ready to call in and give him my credit card information right now. Keep living the dream, buddy!

And in honor of the current Cannes film festival, I award Big Cat the Palme d'Or, for providing some of the most painful videos. I thought Who Let the Dogs Out was bad enough, but watching grown men scurry around cars while barking in what is clearly a third world country (my moneys on Jamaica) surpasses watching Snow in his baggy clothes. Seeing Cher walk through a night club makes me wonder if the undercurrent theme of the song and lyrics is "transvestite stalking a DJ". And I enjoyed the 'grass-roots' feel of the Carol King video, with the producer who zooms in on the album cover of Carole and her cat to truly capture the poignance of the phrase, "So far away". I know we all have felt like that when Old Bear hibernates.

So really, while Bex wins the mix tape award, all Pocomokians are very special in their own way. Crack open a cold one and ceeeeeelebrate good times, come on!