Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Quarter Century Young

You can't tell the story of 1605 N. Pocomoke without our good friend Lydia, who has probably contributed more content to this blog than Tom and Matt combined. For reasons unclear to us she willingly endures our lame jokes, cruel nicknames, and general lack of social grace. We've all benefited greatly from her prowess as a chef; I am specifically reminded of the occasion on which Richard told her to make him the "unhealthiest cake possible." She congratulates us when we are at our best and never hesitates to point out when we are at our worst. She is the fifth member of our house, sharing in its victories as well as its defeats. Today Lydia celebrates her 25th birthday and on behalf of 1605 N. Pocomoke I would like to extend our most sincere good wishes. Happy Birthday Lydia - we grant you the gift of immortality on Hock N' Blog!


Lydia said...

thanks James and the rest of Pocomoke!! The reasons I hang out with you all remain unclear to me as well, but I don't plan on stopping anytime soon ;)

I want to take a moment to congratulate James on posting such a thoughtful note, but also point out that today is not my birthday - it's actually Saturday the 12th. I expect this entry to be repeated this weekend.

Also, as the 5th member of the house, I just want to be clear that I do not and will not contribute to rent ... I know Richard was thinking it.

MANY MANY THANKS to Old Bear, JG, Bex and Big Cat for all the fun and laughs you've provided me :) You are all amazing and deserve more praise than you receive!

Bex said...

Trust me Lydia, if I was going to charge anyone rent it would be Carolyn...