Monday, March 17, 2008

Know Your Pocomoke

I heard on the radio today that while Ireland itself has a population of 9 million people, there are 37 million Americans who claim Irish descent. By conservative estimate, I would say that this number swells to approximately 80 billion on St. Patrick's Day. So happy St. Patrick's day to both the Irish and the Irish at heart.

Personally, I'm still a little wary of Irish people after nearly being killed by a couple of Riverdancers a few weeks back (this actually happened).

1. While we're on the subject, at which Clarendon bar sometimes frequented by the Pocomoke crowd did the Riverdance incident occur?

2. All but one of the Pocomoke residents have visited the Emerald Isle at one point or another. Who is the odd man out?

3. Though we all enjoy a good pint of Guinness from time to time, only one true Irishman resides at 1605 Pocomoke. From which Irish county does Big Cat's family hail?

4. Which drinking-themed holiday is more overrated: New Year's Eve or St. Patrick's Day?

Answers to follow later this week.

1 Comment:

Lydia said...

1. Ri Ra
2. Bullet (aka MG)
3. Leitrim (sounds like an UltraZone alias to me!)
4. is NYE really drinking-themed?

happy belated birthday to Tom! :)