Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Know Your Pocomoke: Answers (Belatedly) Revealed

Hey, do you remember a few weeks ago when I last posted a Know Your Pocomoke? Well, I finally have the answers for you:

1. The Riverdance incident occurred at O'Sullivan's. At Ri Ra you're more likely to be mauled by a cougar than trampled by a Riverdancer.

2. As Easy Points correctly surmised, Old Bear is the only Pocomoke resident who has not yet visited Ireland.

3. Big Cat's family came to our land from the fertile County Kilberthark. His great-great-grandfather Seamus (known to his friends as Old Seamus Swift-Hands) was a fisherman in the village of Gathaberway, along the fair cliffs of Charhallagheen. Of course, I'm making this all up. I have no idea where Big Cat's family is from, and he probably doesn't either.

4. NYE may not be drinking-themed, but it certainly is drinking-focused. And personally I think they're both over-hyped.

1 Comment:

Constance said...

I was wondering about those...I feel so much more enlightened now. Thanks!