Thursday, December 13, 2007

Big Cat's Big Week

Feel like you haven't seen Big Cat around much in the last couple of weeks? So do we. For a while there, we were getting a little worried about ol' Carrotface. Poor Guinness, filled with the new and confusing emotions of adolescence, began to develop abandonment issues related to her absentee father. Unable to deal with these strange feelings, she acted out by pooping on things. So did Richard and I.

But rest assured that Tom's not trying to avoid you - it's because he's been busy writing finals and making braille textbooks available to blind college students (seriously). And his hard work is finally paying off. Not only is he done with school for the next month, he was was recently awarded a distinguished fellowship that only goes to 4 Republican congressional staffers a year. Four staffers...out of 120 offices.

So the next time you stop by Pocomoke, make sure to greet Tom with a big smile and a hearty slap on the back. The Big Cat has earned a little catnip.

1 Comment:

Lydia said...

congratulations, Tom! I'm really proud of you!! :)

PS - james, does this now mean there's a pooper 4 and 5?