Friday, December 28, 2007

Know Your Pocomoke

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas! Hock N' Blog returns to full time action with this week's KYP:

1. In which U.S. city did Matt and Richard once start a house fire? Coincidentally, this occurred during the same trip that the game "Hot Pants" was invented.

2. Speaking of road trip disasters, name the city where a street prophet named Alphonso once climbed into the car with us to share his views on police brutality.

3. Who instigated the Great Fruitcake Debacle of 1998?

4. Who would win in a fight to the death, a large (but non-venomous) king snake or a feisty 10 week old kitten?

(Answers to be revealed soon.)

1 Comment:

Lydia said...

1. Claremont
(ps - wikipedia says hot pants "are meant to emphasize the buttocks and the legs" ... how exactly is this game played, guys?!)
2. Charlottesville, there are some crazy people living there
3. Matt and James. Are there pictures of this occurrence? ;)
4. that kitten is not as innocent as she looks ... one moment she's sweet and cuddly and the next, she's clawing your legs and biting your toes. It would be a long fight, but my vote is for guinness.