Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Traveler's IQ

Here's a fun game to test your knowledge of geography. I got up to level 11, but didn't have enough points for 12. Sometimes the hardest part is figuring out where these cities are without natural features to guide you (Russia and Canada are hard). We have a pretty well traveled group of friends, so write in your scores (unless you're too embarrassed).


Zoidberg said...

Level 6, then 10 on the second try. I think that if you reply really quickly and come within about 750km, you always do pretty well, rather than taking most of the time to pinpoint it.

Lydia said...

I got to level 9 when my office manager walked over to my desk to discuss purchasing office supplies and I had to utilize the ol' alt+tab to bring something work related onto my screen ... perhaps I'll try again later ;)

Happy New Year, everyone!!

Zoidberg said...

I have been playing this constantly for the past 2 hours and have concluded that Bex has an encyclopedic knowledge of Africa. Level 10 is impossible.

Lydia said...

I can't get past level 10 either :(

Lydia said...

AHHHH!!!! Break out the champagne! I got to level 11! And I was only 15,000 points shy of moving on to level 12. Now if only I was a better guesser at those random islands in the middle of nowhere ...

thanks for making these slow work days go by a bit faster, Richard ;)