Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Pocomoke Christmas List: First Edition

Christmas may be a time to count our blessings, but it's also a time to obsess about all the stuff that's missing from our lives. And even though we have it pretty good here at Pocomoke, there are still plenty of things that could make our house even better. Here's a list of what we're wishing for this Christmas (subject to updates from now until December 25th):

-Nintendo Wii, and plenty of gauze and neosporin for all the video game-related fistfights that will inevitably ensue
-For Landlord Joe to fix the upstairs toilet
-A Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time
-Anything from Sharper Image
-For the writers' strike to end before the new season of Lost begins
-Another "Die Hard" sequel
-For a good bar to open in Westover so we don't have to risk our lives by going to the Forest Inn
-For some kindly intruder to break into our house and finally hang up the dartboard
-A hula hoop
-To never, ever see the John Mellencamp "This is Our Country" Chevy commercial again
-A razor and shaving cream for Tom
-More Mark Ruffalo in our lives
-For all our readers to have a safe and happy holiday season (but we'll take the Wii if we only get one)


Namita said...

Done. Expect a hula hoop in the mail.

Unknown said...

if i took this xmas list seriously, i would offer my discount at sharper image. i do have a good hookup there, you know...