Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Juice is Loose

If anyone here's a fan of Jamba Juice there's a buy one get one free printable coupon for them here.

Apparently it only looks for their "functional" smoothies. Feel free to comment on what you think a dysfunctional smoothie would be.


Al said...

Well lets say you are drinking your smoothie, enjoying the cold, frothy goodness and then all of the sudden nothing is coming up the straw even though you are sucking your brains out. It's a complete blockage, an impediment to your continued drinking enjoyment. Then you realize that because your smoothie was NOT entirely blended, a chunk of frozen fruit has built a dam between your delicious and vitalicious mixture and your tasters. That, my friends, is a dysfunctional smoothie. OR your straw has a hole in it so that when you suck, your smoothie goes not into your mouth as hoped for, but rather out the side of the straw all over the lid of the smoothie. To make matters worse, you have no additional straw because you're in the car driving when this happens, you have no napkins and you nearly get into a car wreck because you're watching the lid of your smoothie top in horror rather than the road. Swerving all over the road like an alpine skiier, you manage to spill the smoothie from your lid onto your pants, which are khaki colored and now stained. did i mention this all happens on your way to work? That is also a dysfunctional smoothie if you ask me.

Bex said...

Wow Ali, awesome comment. You obviously put more time into your response than I put into the post...