Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Travails of Tom: Hard Work Pays Dividends

I'm sure you all are wondering: where has Tom been these last few weeks? Even here at Pocomoke, we barely see our bright-eyed scholar. Did he finally make that trip to Niagara Falls? Has he taken up a new hobby, like stamp collecting or kite flying? Nope. In fact, the reason why he's been MIA lately is because he's been hitting the books harder than a corncob to the crotch at Pocomoktoberfest. Every evening he straps up his schoolbooks and scurries off to catch up on his studies.

Though we miss hanging out with the Big Cat, we couldn't be more pleased with the results of his hard work. He came home from school last night beaming and bursting with news (he also walked right into an ambush of flying corn....but that's a story for another day). The reason for his good cheer was soon revealed: yesterday he earned his first "A".

While we're all proud of his academic achievement, we can't let him rest on his laurels. The next time you see our erudite friend, make sure you tell him to keep up the hard work. The sky's the limit for this clever young man!


Lydia said...

he really was beaming! ha!!

Old Bear said...

He's going to be an inventor!

Unknown said...

Wow. There's so much love in your special! Keep it up Tommy Boy!