Monday, October 29, 2007

Know Your Pocomoke: Answers Revealed

First of all, sorry for the delay in posting the correct answers to last week's "Know Your Pocomoke." All four of us happened to be out of town this weekend, and it was the hock that suffered. On to the answers:

1. An honest mistake was made on this question. I wrote that we all lettered in "completely non-academic disciplines," but it turns out that Matt lettered in Diving, which takes at least some rudimentary athleticism. On the other hand, Matt also lettered in Marching Band...which fulfills the "somewhat embarrassing pursuit" criterion. As for the rest of us: Tom lettered in Forensics, James lettered in It's Academic, and Richard recieved a letter for his excellent work on the Math Team.

2. Average age of Pocomoke residents = 25
Fishtanks = 3
Tiki torches = 18 (yes, I actually went outside and counted them)
Car accidents Tom's been in this year = 1

25 x 3 + 18 - 1 = 92

3. Next time you're at Pocomoke (particularly if you're here sometime around 10 AM - 1 PM on a weekend) ask for a Pocomimosa. You'll get a delicious concoction of white grape juice, creme de cassis, and Miller Lite. Don't worry - it's much, much better than it sounds.