Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Culinary Arts: Pocomoke in Gingerbread

Have you ever wondered what the dashing residents of Pocomoke would look like if they were baked as cookies? Of course you have, and so have we.

On cold and rainy fall evening, we decided to put our baking abilities to the test. Fortunately for us, an actual artist - culinary and otherwise - intervened. Will Carolyn be able to successfully pull off this challenge? Have her years of study and practice in the field of art history prepared her for this feat?

The following photos document this momentous occasion...

Our talented chef/artist mentally prepares for the challenging task before her. Culinary scalpel in hand, Carolyn understands the magnitude of this baking endeavor.

The gingerbread pallet proves more difficult that originally anticipated. Forsaking the scalpel, the artist turns to a pizza cutter in a moment of desperation.

The gingerbread pallet is complete and ready for baking - but how will they turn out? Tension runs high.

Having witnessed the process, Big Cat is skeptical. With 7 to 11 minutes of baking at 350 degrees ahead of them, he understands the complications that can arise at this critical stage in the process.

DING! Was that the oven? No, our oven doesn't have a timer... its far too old.

But will the outcome be delicious or tragic?

Find out in the next installment of The Culinary Arts: Pocomoke in Gingerbread - Part II.