Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Know Your Thanksgiving

We all know that Thanksgiving is a time to appreciate the things we are most thankful for - family, food, and football. Here at Pocomoke, we are thankful for Thanksgiving itself. So rather than ramble on about ourselves this week, I thought it might be nice to focus this edition of Know Your Pocomoke on the holiday we hold so dear.

1. The American Thanksgiving celebration is traditionally associated with a New England harvest feast shared by English settlers and the indigenous Wampanoag indians in 1621. The Pilgrims were particularly grateful to Squanto, a former slave and intepreter who taught them how to catch and cook this animal.

2. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has been a staple of the holiday since 1924. After the marching bands and cartoon balloons have all gone by, which float traditionally ends the parade?

3. Not all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. What is the name of the holiday that thousands of Native Americans (among others) choose to observe on the fourth Thursday in November instead, and to which convicted murderer is it dedicated?

4. In a bizarre tradition that some claim dates back to the tenure of Abraham Lincoln, the President officially pardons one or two turkeys on Thanksgiving. To what magical place are the birds then sent to live out the rest of their days in peace?

5. What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?


Unknown said...

This post brought to you by Wikipedia.

Namita said...

1. Turkey, but i'm guessing it could be a trick question.

2. No clue. So i'm going to go with Superman.

3. Man, I suck at thanksgiving.

4. To a wonderful rest home, titled something like, "heaven's gate."

5. Eating pumpkin pie. and giving thanks, of course

Lydia said...

1. deer, perhaps?
2. Jolly ol' St. Nicholas ;-)
3. let's be honest, is knowing native american culture really necessary?
4. Disneyworld! but they're barely there before they do end up at "heaven's gate"
5. helping my mom cook our Thanksgiving meal ranks #1, but there are many others I don't want to bore you all with